Category Archives: Vacation Rental Success

Benefits of Expanding Your Portfolio Into Short Term Vacation Rentals

With over 20 years of investing experience in Ontario, Dean Curtis has chosen over the last 6 years to specialize in the growing investment area of short term vacation rentals. 

Guest: Real Estate Investor, Dean Curtis

In this episode learn about: 
– Looking at the numbers and financials and what else to consider when considering potential investments.
– Key amenities to look for that command higher rentals.
– Challenges you can encounter and how to avoid them.
– Advertising platforms and alternative ways to advertise. 
– The differences in using a property manager for vacation rentals.
– How technology is going to change the market in the future.

With over 20 years of investing experience in Ontario, Dean Curtis has chosen over the last 6 years to specialize in the growing investment area of short term vacation rentals.

Through his management company Serenity Vacation Rentals he has grown his own personal investment portfolio and also manages an inventory of cottage vacation rental properties.

A sought after media source, Dean has been featured in Canadian Real Estate Wealth magazine, and on AM 570 news “Your Money Matters” and the “Vacation Rental Success” podcast.

Dean also coaches investors from start to finish with purchasing the perfect cottage vacation rental, maximizing income potential, furnishing the property appropriately and providing customer service that ensures repeat rentals.

Get it touch with Dean:
Dean can be reached through his website at