Crisis Updates for Real Estate Investors

In this special episode of The Reite Club Podcast, Sarah Larbi & Alfonso Salemi share their uncensored thoughts and opinions on the current market for real estate investors during the chaos of the COVID 19 pandemic.

TRC Special Episode (1)

Hosts: Sarah Larbi & Alfonso Salemi

In this special episode of The Reite Club Podcast, Sarah Larbi & Alfonso Salemi share their uncensored thoughts and opinions on the current market for real estate investors during the chaos of the COVID 19 pandemic.

This episode dives into various topics and opinions including why interest rates are plummeting but mortgage rates are not, variable vs. fixed mortgages, why a savings buffer is important, why you should or should not defer your mortgage and the implications to your credit score.

Feel free to agree or disagree with the thoughts and opinions discussed in this episode. This is for the purposes of sharing information during these unprecedented times.

In this episode learn about: 

– Interest rates vs. Mortgage rates
– Mortgage deferrals
– Importance of savings
– Taking control of your credit
– Advanceable mortgages